Swift Leak Detection and Repair Saves Substantial Water and Costs at A&E Hospital
Cost Savings: £1,100 per day
Water Saving: 341,280 litres per day
A large A&E hospital in the North- East of England is committed to ensuring the continuous delivery of high-quality care while maintaining sustainability in resource management. The hospital has been utilising Demeter’s water monitoring services to track and optimise its water consumption across various departments.
The Problem
During a period of particularly harsh cold weather, the hospital experienced a gradually increasing leak that eventually led to a severe burst pipe. The water flow was initially at 8,500 litres per hour due to the leak. When the burst occurred, the water consumption spiked to 18,000 litres per hour, resulting in a significant loss of water.
Our monitoring system immediately detected the surge in water usage, and we promptly alerted the hospital. The hospital requested our prompt attendance to carry out leak detection.. Within 24 hours, our expert technicians were on-site, initially locating and then following up with the repair of the leak without disrupting the hospital’s regular operations.

Image showing a leak noise correlator that is used to try and locate the leak underground.

We identified the leak location and marked it up as ready to excavate to repair
The photograph above shows the location of the leak, even though there was a water loss of 18,000 litres every hour (enough to fill a bath every 15 seconds or 240 an hour) there was no visible indication of this severe leak. Without the online monitoring and proactive alarm and checking service, this burst could have continued for many days or weeks, costing many thousands of pounds.
The Solution
Demeter’s swift leak detection service and expert technicians played a pivotal role in resolving the issue. With the spike in water usage identified through our monitoring system, our team quickly mobilised to locate and isolate the leak. The repair was carried out efficiently within 24 hours, preventing further damage and water loss.

After the repair, the average water consumption dropped to 3,800 litres per hour, a significant reduction from the initial levels of 8,500 litres per hour, and far lower than the burst levels of 18,020 litres per hour.


The Impact
By addressing the burst and repairing the issue within 24 hours, the hospital saved 341,280 litres of water per day (79% reduction) and £1,090 in daily cost savings.
- Subsequent savings: The hospital will continue to save 341,280 litres per day or £1,090 per day, every day following the repair, as the water consumption stabilised to more efficient levels.
- Savings during the leak: In addition to the burst savings, the reduction from the leak itself resulted in 136,320 litres per day saved and £410 in daily cost savings, showing the importance of early detection.
- Data-driven decision-making: This case emphasises the value of Demeter’s monitoring system, which enabled immediate detection of the issue, preventing further loss. Such leaks and bursts, without monitoring, could go unnoticed for up to 3 weeks, resulting in far higher costs.
- Expert intervention: The quick response and expertise of Demeter’s technicians ensured the issue was resolved with minimal disruption, ensuring the hospital’s operations continued smoothly while preventing further water waste.